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Are you sure you want to leave Maria Dolores Laguna Acosta's MyShop site?
Sign up for free to have your favorite products automatically sent to you on the same date each month.
Earn Loyalty Points (15% of each Loyalty Order) you can redeem for free products of your choice.
Maintain a monthly Loyalty Order of at least 150 LP and earn 35 Bonus Loyalty Points!
Redeem Cash in your Loyalty Points for FREE products of your choice.
When you enroll in the Loyalty Program, you’ll select which products you want to be shipped to you each month. If you decide to modify the products in your order, where the shipment is sent, change or update your credit card, redeem Loyalty Points, or even cancel your membership in the Loyalty Program, you can do so at any time through the Account Management section of your dashboard.
Unlock the power of Me and My 3® to earn one of three Builder Bonus payments each month: $50, $200, or $800.
MyShop is your personalized sharing center. Your customers enjoy 15% off the discounted price, and you earn a 25% commission on MyShop orders.
Rapid Rewards is paid daily! With Rapid Rewards, you earn a 25% commission on all LP orders your personally enrolled Preferred Customers place in their first three months.
Unlock over $40K in additional bonuses when you purchase a Fast Start Pack.
A 4Life Loyalty Program order is an order placed on automatic shipment that meets the terms and conditions outlined below.
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