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The article, “Effect of a Thermogenic Composition on Healthy Adult Women and Men,” analyzes 4LifeTransform Burn® in a clinical, 12-week study. Popayan’s findings highlight the product’s safety, effectiveness, and potential benefits.
Popayan: “4Life’s R&D department is committed to developing products with the highest-quality ingredients. We continue our commitment to furthering the body of immune system knowledge with clinical studies—a gold standard that we invest in for customers and business entrepreneurs alike.”
Articles submitted to Pharmacognosy Research undergo a strict peer review process. Manuscripts that don’t meet the publication’s scientific standard are routinely rejected for lack of merit. The company’s commitment to peer-reviewed publication ranks among numerous scientific advantages that 4Life leverages for marketplace opportunity.
4Life, The Immune System Company®, and the first to bring transfer factor research to market, has offices in dozens of countries to serve the company’s worldwide customers.
For more information:
Calvin Jolley
Vice President Corporate Communications
4Life Research
[email protected]
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