Affiliates always get more!

Earn extra income by sharing what you love.

We reward you every time you share our unforgettable 4Life products. When you join 4Life, you can earn extra income by sharing wellness with your loved ones, and you become part of a passionate and caring community.*

More and more people are building their business with 4Life

The 4Life Experience

Why choose 4Life?

Extra earnings

Earn extra income with one of the highest payouts in the industry: up to 64% of company volume.

Tools and features

We provide the tools you need to succeed. Use your MyShop site to sell 4Life products, share your discount, and earn!


Work whenever and wherever is best for you!


Manage your business with support from experienced 4Life leaders.

"Joining 4Life as an affiliate has been an incredible opportunity for me to take control of my financial future while promoting health and wellness products I truly believe in!"*

- Diego Costa

Get Started

3 simple steps to start and develop your own business

Sign someone up

Share 4Life products and sign others up under your 4Life ID to automatically become an Affiliate.

Complete setup

Fill out the online forms so you will be eligible to receive commissions.

Achieve ranks based on growth

Sign people up and continue sharing your favorite 4Life products to build your business and achieve higher ranks, bringing new opportunities to get rewarded!

Start your business today by signing someone up

Have someone in mind? Share the signup page to give them the details and have them sign up under your 4Life ID. Sharing your MyShop link is the best way to ensure they sign up under you.

Share signup page

Programs to help you succeed

Sign up with an order of 400 LP or more and you will be automatically enrolled in the Fast Start Program, which can help you earn extra income in your first year!

When you sign someone up, you earn a 25% commission on all their orders for their first three months with 4Life! Plus, you earn 12% for customers on your second level and 5% for customers on your third level.

Grow your business and qualify for one of three Builder Bonus levels to earn $50, $200, or $800 every month!

MyShop is your personal 4Life website. Your friends and family get to share your wholesale discount, and you earn MyShop Rewards or a commission!

Not already a Preferred Customer? Start there! Fall in love with the products and then start making money by sharing and signing someone else up.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is direct selling?
    According to the Direct Selling Association: “Direct selling is the marketing of products and services directly to the consumer outside a commercial establishment through a personalized demonstration by a representative of the selling company. Direct selling companies have a large independent network of professionals who market quality products with guaranteed returns. Multilevel selling consists of the sale of goods or services by a manufacturer or wholesaler through a network of independent sellers, although coordinated in the same commercial network.”
  • What’s the difference between a Preferred Customer and an Affiliate?
    Preferred Customers can enjoy 4Life products and a wholesale discount, but Affiliates can also earn extra income when they share 4Life products.
  • What’s the difference between an Affiliate and a Brand Ambassador?
    A Brand Ambassador needs to meet some requirements that an Affiliate doesn’t need to meet. For example, Brand Ambassadors must have at least 5,000 followers on any social media platform and post at least once per month to their social media feed.
  • What is the difference between a sponsor and enroller?
    Your sponsor is the person in your upline who is directly above you. Your enroller is the person who introduced you to 4Life. These may be the same person in some cases.
  • How can I get paid as an Affiliate?
    Earnings can be transferred to your bank account or used to purchase 4Life products through your 4Life account.
  • When do I get paid?
    Some programs are paid the next day, but most commissions are paid on the 7th of each month.
  • Do I need to purchase products every month as an Affiliate?
    No. Products purchased by your customers can help you maintain your Affiliate status.